Container Management

M. A. Folkes believes that “green” stands for environment AND value. We are proficient in providing Recovery & Re-use services. You can also utilize our expertise in developing a customized container management program that fully integrates with all of our value-added logistics services. Highlights include:
- A full line of containers in a variety of sizes. Our returnable container management services provide an end-to-end solution for shipping/receiving, tracking, sorting, warehousing and just in time delivery (JIT).
- Placement and management of on site containers to collect your discarded wooden pallets and crates. The discarded materials are then returned in house, assessed for re-use, disassembled and recreated for second generation use.
- Ensuring that recycled pallets are thoroughly inspected, heat treated in our own kilns, then re-introduced into your system or sold elsewhere in the marketplace at a discounted rate. Unusable wood is given to local landscapers for mulching, so nothing goes unused or wasted.
- Providing online Tracking Report capabilities via our secure customer support portal, making container management easy and more convenient.
- Continuously seeking innovative ways to positively impact your environment, with a focus on saving you money.
For more information or to request a quote for our Container Management services, please contact us immediately.